[Monitorix-general] Monitorix 3.4.0 released
Jordi Sanfeliu
2013-12-02 10:37:14 UTC
Monitorix 3.4.0 has been released!

This version introduces some interesting new features. A complete new
graph to monitor an unlimited number of Memcached installations, a new
option called max_historic_years to be able to configure how many years
of historical data will be kept (up to 5 years), two new alerts in the
disk graph to control the disks health, etc.

This version also fixes an important number of bugs and two security
issues (2nd and 3rd) not covered yet in the previous 3.3.1 version. The
built-in HTTP server failed to adequately sanitize request strings of
malicious JavaScript. By leveraging this issue, an attacker may be able
to inject arbitrary cookies. The same issue could also cause arbitrary
HTML and script code to be executed in a user's browser within the
security context of the affected site.

The new Memcached graph includes hits and misses graphs, a graph for the
current cache used in MB and its percentage, a graph with the number of
items in cache, object I/O including evictions and reclaims, a graph to
show the current connections and threads, and the last graph to show its
network traffic.

The new option max_historic_years enables the ability to have up to 5
years of historical data on each graph. Beware with this option because
it will generate a new .rrd file every time its value is extended,
losing completely the current historical data. Its default value is 1.
The new alerts in the disk graph will monitor two important values from
the SMART system of each disk: the number of reallocated sectors
(Reallocated_Sector_Ct) and the number of pending sectors

The rest of changes and bugs fixed are, as always, reflected in the
Changes file. Also, check the monitorix.conf(5) man page for all the

All users still using older versions are advised to upgrade to this
version, which resolves more security issues.

NOTICE: The configuration file monitorix.conf has been extended with
important changes.
Jordi Sanfeliu
FIBRANET Network Services Provider