[Monitorix-general] Show graph interval
Balogh László
2016-01-23 16:36:33 UTC
Hi all,

I have a question regardin Monitorix.
I know i can see graphs not only for 1 day/week, etc, than also for one
hour or also for 2 or 3 etc hours by changing the url part:
But how can i see graphs for a specific time period? For example when i
want to know what exactly happened at 23.12.2015 13h and 16h? Is there a
way to show these datas? Because as i know, monitorix stores all datas,
till one year, so theoritically it is possible to draw datas for any
time period from the last year. Question is, how? Maybe its something
todo with the "graph=" part of the url.


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2016-01-23 20:29:00 UTC
Hi Laszlo,

I don't think its possible to be able to zoom in on a specific time period
but in saying that it could be very useful I think.

Post by Balogh László
Hi all,
I have a question regardin Monitorix.
I know i can see graphs not only for 1 day/week, etc, than also for one
But how can i see graphs for a specific time period? For example when i
want to know what exactly happened at 23.12.2015 13h and 16h? Is there a
way to show these datas? Because as i know, monitorix stores all datas,
till one year, so theoritically it is possible to draw datas for any time
period from the last year. Question is, how? Maybe its something todo with
the "graph=" part of the url.
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It denos't mtater waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, it's olny iprmoatnt
taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae.The rset can be a
total mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm.Tihs is bcuseae the
huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.
Jordi Sanfeliu
2016-01-25 08:28:06 UTC

That's not possible with the current code, but if you really need to
know what happened at an specific day, you can accomplish it by changing
the line:


by these two:


As you will see the resulting graph lacks of a good resolution, but it
might still be of help for you.

See more examples at
<http://oss.oetiker.ch/rrdtool/doc/rrdgraph_examples.en.html> in the
section named 'Time ranges'.

I hope that helped you.
Post by Balogh László
Hi all,
I have a question regardin Monitorix.
I know i can see graphs not only for 1 day/week, etc, than also for one
But how can i see graphs for a specific time period? For example when i
want to know what exactly happened at 23.12.2015 13h and 16h? Is there a
way to show these datas? Because as i know, monitorix stores all datas,
till one year, so theoritically it is possible to draw datas for any
time period from the last year. Question is, how? Maybe its something
todo with the "graph=" part of the url.
Jordi Sanfeliu
FIBRANET Network Services Provider
Balogh László
2016-01-25 09:21:11 UTC

Thanks for the info, but i see it's another tool (rrdgraph or what).
Don't know what it is, and how to use with Monitorix.

Post by Jordi Sanfeliu
That's not possible with the current code, but if you really need to
know what happened at an specific day, you can accomplish it by changing
As you will see the resulting graph lacks of a good resolution, but it
might still be of help for you.
See more examples at
<http://oss.oetiker.ch/rrdtool/doc/rrdgraph_examples.en.html> in the
section named 'Time ranges'.
I hope that helped you.
Post by Balogh László
Hi all,
I have a question regardin Monitorix.
I know i can see graphs not only for 1 day/week, etc, than also for one
But how can i see graphs for a specific time period? For example when i
want to know what exactly happened at 23.12.2015 13h and 16h? Is there a
way to show these datas? Because as i know, monitorix stores all datas,
till one year, so theoritically it is possible to draw datas for any
time period from the last year. Question is, how? Maybe its something
todo with the "graph=" part of the url.
Ezt az e-mailt az Avast víruskereső szoftver átvizsgálta.
Jordi Sanfeliu
2016-01-25 09:24:38 UTC

No, the lines I told you to modify aren't from RRDtool, but from
Monitorix. Every module (.pm) has these lines when generating the graph.

For example, in 'system.pm' line 512.

Please, find them and test it.
Post by Balogh László
Thanks for the info, but i see it's another tool (rrdgraph or what).
Don't know what it is, and how to use with Monitorix.
Post by Jordi Sanfeliu
That's not possible with the current code, but if you really need to
know what happened at an specific day, you can accomplish it by changing
As you will see the resulting graph lacks of a good resolution, but it
might still be of help for you.
See more examples at
<http://oss.oetiker.ch/rrdtool/doc/rrdgraph_examples.en.html> in the
section named 'Time ranges'.
I hope that helped you.
Jordi Sanfeliu
FIBRANET Network Services Provider